photo courtesy of Wired.com |
This article and the subsequent
chat logs have been reproduced and attributed from/to Wired.com and are not original content to this blog. The chat logs included in this piece are surprising and alarming in their candor, and reveal a tortured Private Manning.
He reveals his personal struggles with death, ridicule, rejection and isolation; along with his exploration into his own gender identity struggle. It is a revealing and poignant look how the talent for survival is a detriment without the shared experience of others.
I've only included my favorite parts here for quick review.
We're proud of you, Bradley.
"A little more than a year ago, Wired.com published excerpts from instant messenger chats between accused WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning and Adrian Lamo, the ex-hacker in whom he confided and who reported him to the authorities. It’s now time to reveal the previously unpublished portions of these conversations.
Notes on the logs: The chats between Manning and Lamo begin May 21, 2010. As received by Wired.com, the logs contained time stamps but no dates, and were saved by Lamo in four unordered files (A fifth file recorded only an encryption handshaking error that was also logged in one of the other four). We’ve ordered the files ourselves based on the conversation flow and information from Lamo. Breaks between files are indicated by a horizontal rule. Portions of the logs previously published by Wired.com are underlined.
(3:29:46 PM) bradass87: one of the few times you will ever see the inside of a SCIF
(3:30:09 PM) bradass87: the map in the background is classified SECRET//REL TO USA, MCFI
(3:31:11 PM) bradass87: behind the cabinet, with the blue bucket on top… is the entrance to the SIGINT section
(3:31:42 PM) bradass87: is where they process all the recorded phone data from towers in all of eastern baghdad
(3:32:27 PM) bradass87: interrogator chick on top right corner
(3:33:04 PM) bradass87: you can see me slowly descending spiritually in the wall posts
(11:16:39 AM) bradass87: here’s an awkward pic… i look so short -_-
Private Manning with then San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom - wired.com |
(03:53:38 PM) bradass87: im way way way too easy to marginalize…
(03:55:52 PM) bradass87: i dont like this person that people see… no-one knows who i am inside
(04:26:02 PM) info@adrianlamo.com: i know all about having a persona vs. a real person(01:37:51 AM) info@adrianlamo.com : I’m not here right now
The expression of Manning's MTF journey |
The Twitter account of a "Breanna Manning" in Washington DC
(10:33:58 AM) bradass87: im already starting to give “Breanna” a digital presence… twitter, youtube accounts set up in her name
(03:29:44 PM) bradass87: but the point was, i guess my face is androgynous enough that i can pass with ease
(04:28:56 PM) bradass87: but, i hope i can live a less ambiguous life soon… as i transition(03:30:11 PM) bradass87: my prominent adams apple is the only issue i was concerned about
(03:30:26 PM) bradass87: so i wore a turtleneck, and had collar up with my coat
(04:29:30 PM) info@adrianlamo.com: I wish you a less ambiguous life as well.
(04:29:41 PM) bradass87: thank you
(04:29:57 PM) bradass87: i sincerely believe i deserve one :(
(06:16:21 PM) bradass87: i dont know if i can meet people who love me(06:16:37 PM) bradass87: no-one ever sticks around long enough to know me
(06:16:45 PM) bradass87: those who do, become good friends…
(06:16:51 PM) bradass87: but thats not the same
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