Friday, July 15, 2011

Titi Monkey Bug Loses Jungle Fever, Prefers Honky Blood

   A single monkey contracted pneumonia at the California National Primate Research Center in Davis, CA, but within weeks several monkeys were dead and three people got sick. 
   Confirming early suspicions, a new report states that the outbreak was the first known incident of an adenovirus jumping from primates to humans. The upside: the monkeys now have their pick of the white ladies. Monkeydingo, anyone?
   The monkeys are reportedly love hungover and have the munchies.           The scientists all went for a cigarette and then came back to high-five the lead monkey.

Hactivist Manning Questions His Gov't, Gender Identity

photo courtesy of
    This article and the subsequent chat logs have been reproduced and attributed from/to and are not original content to this blog.  The chat logs included in this piece are surprising and alarming in their candor, and reveal a tortured Private Manning.
    He reveals his personal struggles with death, ridicule, rejection and isolation; along with his exploration into his own gender identity struggle.  It is a revealing and poignant look how the talent for survival is a detriment without the shared experience of others.
    I've only included my favorite parts here for quick review.

We're proud of you, Bradley.

   "A little more than a year ago, published excerpts from instant messenger chats between accused WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning and Adrian Lamo, the ex-hacker in whom he confided and who reported him to the authorities. It’s now time to reveal the previously unpublished portions of these conversations.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NO Cuts to Federal Transpo Funding, Ann's Onions

     With an aging national transportation network, dwindling spending for long-term maintenance, and the short-sighted vision of an economically embattled congress; we cannot afford a 30% cut in federal transportation funding.
     I recently ran into Ann Coulter and asked her if there was a way to convert all the toxic sludge dripping from her vagina into asphalt for America's bridges and highways. Ann screamed, "Hey, don't get that close to me" adding, "It's not my as(s)phalt...I was born this way!"


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

America's Cup Runneth Over

photo courtesy of
via SF Examiner explains how MUNI, BART and other transit agencies are expected to handle the pedestrian traffic from Pier 29 during the America's Cup Race in 2013.

VIDEO: How Corporations Dictate Choice, Lifestyle Options

As whites fled the oppressive social conditions of near-urban American cities of the 50's and 60's, so  did they allow corporations to dictate how those new suburban communities would develop and function.  Blind faith has its downside.