Friday, April 29, 2011

Bike Share Flashmob Spin Class

A London spin class seized the opportunity for an outdoor, early morning workout; courtesy of London's bike-share program.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bicyclists Included in New Cell Phone Ban Bill

State Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto) courtesy LA Times
Bicyclists across California may soon find themselves $20-$50 poorer if cited for using a cell phone while operating a bicycle under proposed legislation that increases the fines associated with driving while using a cell phone. The portion of the bills language that includes bicycles has been left out until now.  Sponsored by State Senator Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto), the bill also stiffens fines for automobile drivers from $309 for a first offense, to $509 and an added point on the drivers' record.
The bill was successfully passed on a 24-12 vote and will be sent to the Assembly for further deliberation.
This author would next like to see bicycles included on the list of vehicles subject to red-light camera enforcement.  Drivers can injure bicyclists and pedestrians while distracted, and bicycles not following the rules of the road pose a threat to pedestrians, whether they like to believe it or not.  A 40lb bicycle with a 150lb operator traveling at 15 MPH can do significant harm to a pedestrian crossing its' path traveling at 2 MPH.  The numbers don't lie.  Let's all do our part to ensure safety for all on our streets.